Monday, September 6, 2010


Here is Don Elmes taking pictures of my painting at the Appalachian Art Center. He uses a special flash to help him get the details just right. This time, I asked him to take pictures of the painting in the frame and out of the frame because of the project I am working on.

After he takes pictures, he crops them and touches them up on the computer. Now, the photos will look just like the painting.

Apalachain Art Center

Lately, the Appalachian Art Center has been photographing my paintings. In exchange for this service, I have been helping to paint the new signs that will advertise this gallery.
The signes have been made into small sections. All the small sections will be joined together later when they are installed outside the art center.
Here I am standing next to my chocolate box painting and its new photograph. They do a realy good photography job here: their art pictures are very clear and well lit.

Prerogative Magazine

Here I am with editor of Prerogative Magazine. She is holding the magazine and I am holding my painting. It was really special to open this magazine and see a picture of myself and a picture of my painting inside. I cryed joy tears. I couldn't belfieve my eyes.