Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Baby Painting

I have a whole list of commissions to work my way through. This first one is for a women's magazine called "Prerogative." I was really excited when I received the invitation to be Prerogative's Feature Artist. I had been wanting to do a painting of my sister's children and this was the perfect opportunity.
I drew the picture onto my canvas and indicated every value. Then, I sprayed the drawing with fixative.
My painting went right over top of the drawing.

Before lending it to the magazine, I put the painting in the Chatauqua Art Festival and it won a ribbon. The painting had been completed in a month. I rushed so fast to finish the artwork that I was still painting my signature on the bottom as we were getting ready to carry it into the show!

Movin' On

Now that we had graduated, it was time to move out of our studio space at the college. This is were we used to work and display our art.

Friends, like Ben, helped.

The move was bitter-sweet because we were excited to be moving on, but we were sad to leave all the good times that we had been experiencing with our college friends.

The space looked so empty, now.
Next year, other artists will be working here.

Time for us to make more art in our new place.